Anti-Bullying Week

Date: 19th Nov 2018 @ 9:38pm

Last week we took part in anti-bullying week: year 6 focused on 'respecting yourself'.

Our stimulus was Jess Glynne's song 'Thursday' ; Jess Glynne is known for her poignant song writing- where each song has a clear meaning.

Jess Glynne said "The song itself is about accepting yourself for who you are and not abiding by society and feeling like you have to abide by the pressures that people put on you - to wear make up and be perfect at all time. Being you is just fine... Who I am is enough. In life you have to respect yourself: it will lead others to respect you too" 

We looked at her lyrics and then changed some of them to create a song which was about the respect we should be showing ourselves and others. 

We also created postcards for each class to have- we wrote inspirational quotes on them to encourage others to believe in themselves. 

Jess Glynne lyrics

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