Autumn 2 Week 3

Date: 20th Nov 2019 @ 8:35pm


Update on Learning Autumn 2 Week 3

The children have continued to learn through the story of the Gingerbread man. They have been thinking about new characters that they would like in their own story. They have been thinking about how to make number 8 in different ways using a gingerbread man trying to use the language of addition and subtraction. We have started some  work on money. If you can let the children sort and play with the loose change in your purses to familiarise them with the coins that would be amazing.

Next week the children will be attending the assemblies in school which will take them through the story of the Nativity a step at a time.

Home Learning Task

To be handed in Wednesday 27th November

We would like you to go on a number hunt, See how many places you can find numbers around your house. Tell your adult what the numbers are and write some of them to show us what they are and wher you found them.

Parents Evenings

It has been fabulous to share your children's progress this week with you. If you have any additional queries about how to support your child please do come in and see us.

Reading with your child

Please continue to support your child with their reading at least 5 times a week. Remember to sign in their book every time you read. 

Northern Light Festival

The organisers sent a lovely email to thank the children for their baubles and commented on how fabulous it looked. Thank you to all families and friends who went along to see the tree and support the event.

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