Autumn 2 Week 3

Date: 18th Nov 2020 @ 6:46pm

This week we have been looking at the story 'The Tip Tap Dancing Cat' to help us learn our sound of the week 't'. We have been listening to the sound 't' that Mrs Mackenzie's tap shoes make and we had our own 'Special Shoe Day' to help the children create their own 'tap, tap, t, t,' phonics action.

Our letter chatter this week is 'tap dance down and flick, then slide accross'. The children practised drawing around their shoes with chalk and attempted to draw their own letter 't'. We have sent some flash cards home with their homework for you to practise the 't' sound with them at home.

In Maths this week we have been learning about the 'Number 8'. We have linked our learning to spiders to help the children count out the number 8 and they have been Superstar Mathematicians counting 8 legs onto playdough spiders, counting 8 pegs onto spider templates and mark making their own spiders with 8 legs.

We have also had lots of fun outside mark making with cars and paint, practising our fine motor skills by threading beads and creating our own Autumn wreaths.

As this week is Anti-bullying week we have had lots of circle times on how we can be kind and follow are school rules in class. We have thought about who they could talk to if something happens that makes them sad or that they don't like at home or at school. The children have also worked really hard to make a little surprise for their mummys and daddys to show kindess and to say thank you for all the wonderful things that you do for them. We hope you enjoy your little surprise on Friday!


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