Home Learning in Nursery

Date: 22nd Sep 2020 @ 7:24pm

Take a look at some of the fantastic learning the children in Nursery have been doing whilst they have been self-isolating at home. They have been enjoying their virtual learning every day and having lots of fun completing their other suggested daily activties.

Even though we are unfortunately not altogether in the classroom the children have been working really hard to learn all about our numbers of the week '1' and '2'. They have been finding the number 1 and 2 around their homes and making a teddy bears picnic by counting out two teddies, two plates, two spoons, two biscuits etc.

The children have been practising their mark making, making puppets and continuing their learning on the story of Elmer by making collages.

What a fantastic start to the week!

Well done Nursery!


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