RE Week
Canon Burrows is very proud to be a Church of England school and enjoy celebrating this biennially through our RE Week celebration.
In 2022, our RE Week focussed on creation. During the week the children had the opportunity to explore the following:
- the Christian creation story
- creation stories from Islam, Hinduism and Sihkism
- creation stories from other cultures
- whose responsibility it is to look after God's world
- God's unnoticed creatures
- Science vs God
- our purpose on Earth
Whilst thinking about each of these, the children had the chance to hear stories or opinions of others, discuss their own ideas and opinions and create art work to reflect what they had learned.
As part of the week, the whole school had the opportunity to work with Hand to Mouth, participating in workshops, Godly play or spiritual journeys, which everyone thoroughly enjoyed.
Our week ended with a celebration of our work. Each year group created a display board to showcase their learning. The children across school, as well as parents, enjoyed visiting the hall to see the displays and listening to other children explain what they had done.
In 2021, our RE Week focussed on the story of Noah’s Ark. During the week the children had the opportunity to participate in many of the following activities:
- Exploring the importance of looking after God’s creatures
- Exploring the weather we experience
- Discussing our Christian values of hope and peace
- Learning about different religious stories which have similarities with Noah’s Ark
- Discussing how the story of Noah’s Ark links with our lives today and current world issues
- Answering ‘big questions’
- Creating art work inspired by the story
- Participating in workshops about the story.
We began the week by coming to school dressed in all the colours of the rainbow and were also visited (virtually) by Hand to Mouth, who led workshops on Godly Play.
At a challenging time, the story of Noah reminded us of God’s promise and that even through the dark times, there is always hope.