Christ Church

We have close links with our parish church - Christ Church - which we visit regularly, as part of our RE curriculum and for worship. To find out more about Christ Church, please visit their webpage here.

Harvest Service 2024

Year 4 joined with Year 3 and 4 from Canon Johnson to celebrate Harvest in church. We found out about Harvest around the world and created art work inspired by Harvest in China and Eswatini.

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Wednesday Service

Before the end of the school year, we led worship in church, celebrating that we are all special, precious and unique. We shared how we had shown our individual talents during Arts Week and Sports Week.

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Easter 2024

Reverend David led a beautiful Eucharist Service in church in the lead up to Holy Week. The reverence shown by the children and families was heart warming.

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Wednesday Service

In January, our school lead the presentation on the our Month of Action. We shared with the congregation all the work we had done to improve our local area, ensuring we are looking after God's world.

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Harvest 2023

Our Year 4 children joined with children from our sister school, Canon Johnson, to lead worship celebrating Harvest. The work created by the children from the two schools was displayed in church.

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Easter 2023

Reverend David led a special Eucharist service in church as we moved towards Holy Week. 


Sunday Service

In January, our school lead the presentation on the importance of caring for God's creation. We all have the power to make a change and even small actions can make a huge difference. After the service, we invited the congregation to help us with litter picking in the church grounds.


Easter 2022

As part of our Easter celebrations, we returned to Christ Church as a whole school for the first time. Reverend David welcomed us back by leading the Eucharist service and some of our Year 5 children led the prayers. We all particularly enjoyed being able to worship through song together, as this is something we have really missed over the last two years.


I-Sing Pop Christmas Worship 2022


Key Stage 2 were extrememly lucky to have the iSing Pop team in school to help them hold the Christmas concert. They spent Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday rehearsing the songs with Emma and Eleanore before peforming to family and friends in church on Friday. The whole school community thouroughly enjoyed the concert, with one member of congregation describing it as 'awe-inspiring'.

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